Well I finally decided to start a blog for Ella so we could keep you all updated on our wonderful life with her. I am starting it with her at 3 months, but I will brief you on the first 3 mths in a nutshell!!
As you all know or might not know we moved to Nashville, TN when I was 34 weeks prego!! Eric got promoted (great job sweetie) in Dec 07 to become a sales manager for ADP. So we sold our house in 14 days, AMAZING I know and moved to a great area in Nashville, TN. At 36 weeks they starting thinking I might have to have c-section b/c Ella was breech. They said there was still time but the chances of her flipping were VERY slim. I was praying that she would flip but as Eric and I said if this is the way God plans to have her come into the world then this is how its meant to be! So on Feb 27th at 2:35pm Miss Ella Marie Manchir entered the world via c-section. All went well she was 7lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. We had all our family there to welcome her into the world and it was the best day of our lives! When we first came home it was an adjustment. I was learning to breastfeed, be a new mommy and trying to recover from the c-section all under ZERO sleep. So I was on the loopie train for the first 3 weeks for sure. After that first month we were rocking and rolling. We were getting into our routine and getting to know Ella more as well as her getting to know us. At her 2 month appointment she was 9.9lbs and almost 23 inches long. The Dr. said she is most likely going to be tall and skinny. She was already in 3 mth clothes b/c of her length alone. All checked out well and they said she is looking good.
I can't believe Ella is already 3 months! Where has the time gone. She is just growing more and more everyday. Ella laughs and smiles all the time from the minute she wakes up until she goes to bed. Even when she cries sometimes she still tries to smile. She is a VERY happy baby which makes us as parents happy too. She is sleeping very well at night. She goes to bed every night at 8:30 and wakes up around 4 or 5am for a quick feeding and goes back down until 7 or 8am!! I am still breastfeeding and will continue to do so as long as she is doing well. She was 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long when she was born. She is now 11.3 lbs (skinny little thing) but 24 1/2 inches long! She is trying to roll over but hasn't quite got it yet, but I am sure its just a matter of time. She loves when we sing to her. Her favorite song is "you are my sunshine". She will just laugh and smile the whole time we are singing to her. We also think she is going to be a big talker. She is always cooing and making all sorts of noises to get our attention. She has many traits of both Eric and me when it comes to personality. As far as her looks everyone says she looks like her daddy. Which is fine with me! I am sure she will change a million times over the next year anyway. We took her to the pool this weekend and she had her first experience in the pool. I don't think she really understood were she was. I think it was more for us to say "Ella's first time at the pool". Ella also has learned how to move her body off her play gym and scoot her body around the room. She amazes me when she does it. She uses her legs and pushes herself around. We had a very busy May. We went to Christy and Jason's wedding in Florida. This was Ella's first road trip and she did very well. Grandma and Grandpa Austin came as well so they were a BIG help. We also had Aunt Julie and Uncle Ryan's wedding in Atlanta and Ella did great. She was a BIG hit with all the family. We are loving every second with Miss Ella and are enjoying being her parents!! We couldn't imagine life without her. I will post some recent pictures of her when I learn how to do this!! Please stay posted with all her updates.